About Jesus

No person has shaped history like Jesus.

He came on the scene 2000 years ago and during His life, He taught hidden realities, loved broken people, and performed life-altering and nature-bending miracles. Despite this, He was betrayed and abandoned by His closest followers, trialled in a kangaroo court by religious leaders, condemned by fellow countrymen, and then He was sentenced to death on a cross by Roman leaders. But before He died and was buried, He said on the cross: “It is finished.” Three days later He rose from the grave, appeared to over 500 witnesses, forgave those who abandoned Him, and before rising into heaven, He sent His followers out into the world to tell His story.

2000 years on, we’re still telling His story and He is still shaping history.

If we’re honest, life in Australia is pretty good, and yet no matter how good it is, we can never make it become life as it was made to be. Our lives were made to be in relationship with God – a life that never ends and a life with fulness of joy. But instead of this, all of us have chosen our own path separate from Him and the result is inescapable discontentment and death. We are constantly seeking joy in different things and people, but whatever glimpses of joy that we get always end – as does life itself. God’s eternal punishment should be the end of our story, but thankfully it’s not because in His kindness, God has made a way back by sending His Son to take on our humanity.

When Jesus said those strange words “It is finished,” He finished what He came to do. He showed God’s kindness by taking the punishment that people like us deserved, and when He conquered death by rising from the grave, He showed us that death is not the end of the story. One day, Jesus will return to end history and bring in eternity. Those who are His enemies will suffer an eternal death and those who are His followers will enjoy eternal life with Him.


Until that day, those who follow Jesus live their lives in a community who enjoy what He has done to save us, know more of who He is, and go into a world that needs to hear His story.

Connect with us

We would love to get to know you and walk alongside you as you wrestle with the claims Jesus makes and what it looks like to follow Him.

Come & See

Evangelism Course

Do you want to find out more about Jesus?

Come & See is a 4-week series that discusses deep questions about life and introduces you to Jesus.

We do this over tasty food and coffee, an engaging talk, time for meaningful discussions, and a lot of laughs.

Holland Park

75 Hassall St,

Sundays at 9:30am

10 Yuletide St,
Holland Park West

Sundays at 8:30am / 10:30AM / 5:00PM

100 Springwood Rd,

Sundays at 9:00am

131 Boundary Rd, Thornlands

Sundays at 9:00am